Fruit Ripening
Our innovative fruit analyzer uses our advanced NDIR sensors to measure CO2, ethanol, oxygen etc… in the fruit environment, enabling an accurate assessment of ripeness.
Why measuring gases in the fruit ripening process?
Measuring gases in the fruit ripening process is important for optimizing fruit quality and minimizing waste. By monitoring specific gases, we gain valuable information on the ripening dynamics of the fruit. This enables precise assessment of ripeness, guaranteeing optimal harvesting and storage. Understanding this gas evolution enables effective quality control, preserving the freshness and nutritional value of fruit throughout the supply chain.
The Fruitalyzer

Multi-gas Sensor Benefits in Fruit Ripening Process:
Multi-gas sensors revolutionize the fruit ripening process by delivering precise measurements of specific gases. Through the integrated NDIR sensor, carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are meticulously monitored, playing a pivotal role in evaluating fruit respiration and maturity.
Moreover, the analysis extends to ethanol, providing important insights into the fruit’s ripeness stage, given ethanol’s significance in the maturation process.
Furthermore, real-time oxygen measurement enriches the assessment of fruit maturity by evaluating available oxygen levels, thus enhancing our understanding of their readiness for consumption.
Additionally, these sensors offer insights into nitrogen and methane levels, vital for preserving fruit freshness and detecting potential microbial activity or anaerobic conditions that could compromise fruit quality. This comprehensive approach enables better control and management of storage conditions, ultimately extending shelf life and ensuring the delivery of top-quality produce to consumers.
Looking for custom gas measurement solutions for your project?
Analyzing gases with infrared spectroscopy
A non-dispersive infrared sensor consists of a detector that measures the amount of infrared light at a specific wavelength that is absorbed by a sample.
An infrared light passes through the chamber to the detector. The gas of interest causes an absorption of energy at a specific wavelength. This attenuation is measured by the detector to determine the concentration of the gas. The detector is preceded by a bandpass optical filter that eliminates all other wavelengths that the selected gas molecules may absorb.


O2 Wine Analyzers
We have designed O2 analyzers for precise, real-time monitoring of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in fermentation tanks and throughout the winemaking stages.
Multi-Gas Breath Analyzer
This device offers an accurate and convenient solution for measuring several gaseous components present in exhaled air, including ethanol, CO2 and N2O.
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